Mercoledi' 7 Maggio, alle ore 12.00, Laura Costa (Barcellona)
terra' un seminario presso la sala conferenze Tricerri dal titolo
A counterexample to a strong version of the Bogomolov inequality
Abstract :
The goal of this talk is to provide two sources of counterexamples to the
the following strong version of the Bogomolov inequality:
Consider a simply connected surface $X$ with ample or trivial canonical
line bundle. Then, the Chern classes of any stable vector bundle with rank
$r \geq 2$ satisfy $2rc_2-(r-1)c_1^2-\frac{r^2}{12}c_2(X) \geq 0$.
This inequality was conjectured in the work "Branes, Bundles and
Attractors: Bogomolov and Beyond", by Douglas, Reinbacher and Yau.